Character AI Template With Examples with Full Guide And Method

We have shared Character AI Templates with examples. You can copy the code and add it to your character AI settings.

Character AI Template With Examples
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Character AI Template is used for developing a new user experience for chatting with your AI character.

Character AI Template with AI characters

Creating your own AI chatbot that acts and reacts like a human is exciting and fun, isn’t it? Of course, it sounds like a fun job. However, launching a realistic and responsive AI character requires a strategic approach and a thorough process.

Character AI is one of the most advanced AI chatbot generator platforms where users of all skill levels can launch customized AI models. But, in order to finish the job flawlessly, you must learn the art of writing descriptive templates.

In this comprehensive guide, we have discussed everything about composing Character AI templates from structure to necessary elements. Moreover, we have also shared helpful tricks to maximize the effectiveness of your templates. So, what are you waiting for? Start scrolling to learn. 

Best AI Sexting Chatbot platforms:

The following are some of the best AI girlfriend or AI boyfriend apps:

CandyAICandyAI is the best AI girlfriend and AI boyfriend platform for quality chatting. Thousands of AI girlfriends are already there to talk to you.Sign Up Here
SoulGenSoulGen is one of the best platforms for anyone looking to undress anyone using AI and Undress anyone in the picture.Sign Up Here
SoulFunSoulFun is one of the best platforms for creating a new AI girlfriend or AI boyfriend. Create your soulmate with Soulfun.Sign Up Here
DreamGFDreamGF is one of the best platforms to create your dream AI girlfriend on this platform. Quality chat, custom pictures, and everything you need from a virtual girlfriend.Sign Up Here

A Quick Overview of Character AI

Different AI Character on

Before we dive into how to create compelling and appealing templates for new characters on Character AI, let us take a quick look at the platform. Character AI is an AI-powered chatbot generator platform that allows users to customize new virtual characters based on their preferences. 

But, what makes Character AI different from other chatbot generator platforms? Here is an answer: Character AI leverages advanced neural language networks, AI algorithms, and diffusion models that enable chatbots to interact like humans. 

Unlike other platforms, requiring users to learn complex coding methods to generate AI models, Character AI introduces a simple and interactive way of crafting human-like chatbots without technical skills. However, the structure of your templates influences the depth, intelligence, and authenticity of your new Character AI models. Therefore, in order to craft impressive AI characters, you must learn how to structure comprehensive templates.

What is a Character AI Template?

Character AI templates are the foundation of your customized virtual characters. It is a written coding document that carries all the information about your new character. Writing a template allows you to structure your AI character’s personality, physical traits, and individuality. Moreover, your template influences your AI character’s behavior, responses, and intelligence. 

Character AI is an innovative platform that introduces an easy and user-friendly method of structuring the personality of virtual characters. Instead of putting you into complexities, it only requires you to structure comprehensive templates and give life to your imaginary characters.

Although the platform has a straightforward character creation process, you must learn how to structure a template to launch impressive and human-like AI chatbots.

The Significance of Selecting The Write Format of Character AI Template 

Instead of structuring brand-new templates and learning the coding systems, you can find various pre-made models online. However, you must use comprehensive template formats to create authentic AI characters.

Below is a discussion of factors that you must consider when selecting a template for your new AI characters:

  • Character Specific Template: When looking for predefined character AI templates, shortlist the one that suits and aligns with your character. For example, if you are imagining a fantasy hero, your template must have the options to represent your character’s heroic character.
  • Customization Level: The more customizable your Character AI template is, the more detail you can bring to your characters. Use templates that allow users to personalize their new AI characters to every detail.
  •  Accurate Character Flow: Your Character AI template must have a proper structure and alignment. It means you must use a template that has a smooth flow. For example, an ideal template must discuss basic information first, like name, age, nickname, height, and later move toward personality traits or character attributes. 

The Basics of Template Coding and Script Writing

Once you have finalized a template that suits your new AI character, it is time to learn how to fill it. Each template is different from another and requires you to learn basic scripting skills to input the information without affecting the structure. Worry not; basic coding does not necessitate learning complicated terms. 

All you have to do is learn how to fill in predefined blocks, highlighting your character’s background, interactions, or behavior. As a result, familiarize yourself with the layout of your selected template and learn how to successfully fill all the sections to launch an authentic and life-like AI character. 

The Top 7 Essential Elements and Attributes to Add to A Character AI Template

Creating an AI character

Now that we have learned the basics of selecting and coding Character AI templates, let’s discuss what elements you must include in your templates to launch an effective virtual model. Below is a list of the top seven personality and physicality traits that you must include in your Character AI templates:

1. Determine The Basic Introductory Factors of your New AI Personality

Before anything else, you must give your AI character an appealing name and nickname and determine other basic characteristics such as their age, birthday, and height. If you are recreating an AI version of any popular personality, use their original name and information to give authenticity to your virtual character. 

On the other hand, if you are crafting a new AI character, select a relevant name or age that reflects their personality. 

2. Craft a Reflective and Relevant Physical Appearance

When determining the physical features of your AI characters, you must keep their personality and character in mind. For example, if you are creating an educational AI character, they must have a decent and sophisticated physical appearance that suits their personality. 

When customizing the physical appearance of your new AI character, envision foundational factors like height, hair color, hairstyle, skin tone, and facial features. For example, if your Character belongs to America, you must select a fair skin tone and long height for them. Conclusively, the physical appearance of your new AI character must represent their geographical and family background.

3. Establish a Compelling Backstory

The backstory of your AI character plays the role of a backbone that breathes life into your new AI character. It influences how your character responds and reacts in chats, and how they interpret environmental influences. Therefore, you must take time to establish a convincing backstory for your new AI model.

A descriptive backstory usually includes childhood events, family backgrounds, formative relationships, achievements, and challenges in your new character’s life. When crafting a backstory, remember not to exaggerate and only add information that contributes to or influences the behavior of your new AI model.

4. Develop a Unique Personality For Your AI Character

Here comes the crucial step of creating a template for your new AI character. It is like giving DNA to your brand-new character, influencing everything they say and do. When setting a personality framework for your new AI character, determine the following five factors:

  1. Determine your character’s curiosity and cautiousness. 
  2. Decide their efficiency and intelligence level.
  3. Consider if they will be compassionate, caring, loving, challenging, or friendly. 
  4. Determine if your new character will have a nervous, confident, or secure personality.
  5. Finally, decide whether your character will be outgoing and energetic or reserved.  

5. Set an Emotional Baseline For Your Virtual Character

If you want your AI character to have emotional intelligence and a human-like personality, you must first establish an emotional baseline. The emotional customization of your AI character includes details like their reaction to certain situations and sentimental states. When mapping the emotional conciseness of your new AI character, consider discussing their ability to handle happiness, joy, stress, anger, fear, disappointment, and other states.

6. Determine Relationship Status and Interactive Capabilities

Defining interactions and relationships is another important aspect of creating a compelling AI character. Start by determining the friendship status of your new AI character and describing what types of people attract them. You can also go into further detail and describe the type of personalities that irritate your AI character.

When determining the relationships of your imaginary AI characters, you must also include their sexual interests and preferences. Although Character AI does not allow NSFW conversations, including basic sexual interests in your template can add detail and finishing touches to your virtual character. 

7. Include Various Dialogues to Specify Conversation Style

Include dialogues in your Character AI template, which specifies the communication style of your virtual model. Consider adding various dialogue examples to train your character for fluent conversations. Below is a list of sample dialogues you can add to your Character AI template:

  • Greetings: Hello, new friend! I am more than excited to start a conversation with you.
  • Introduction: Hi, I am good at literature. My favorite personalities are Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. Would you like to share your interests in literature? 
  • Problem Solving: Worry not; we will tackle this situation together. Let me analyze our options and find a solution.
  • Sharing Information: Did you know Venus is the only planet that moves clockwise? If not, now you do! Would you like to learn more amazing facts about space? 

Tips and Tricks for Structuring Effective Character AI Templates

We have now discovered all the necessary elements you must include in your Character AI template. Now, let us learn some tips and tricks to craft an effective and compelling Character AI template structure:

  • Use Easy Language: When composing your Character AI templates, use easy and straightforward language. Including complicated words in your template will make it difficult for AI generators to produce accurate results.
  • Write Short and Brief Templates: Whether you write a backstory, a dialogue, or a personality trait, consider being direct and brief. Including unnecessary details will only complicate the process of effective character generation.
  • Monitor and Alter: Before you launch your new AI character for public use, consider engaging with it and communicating in various scenarios. Adjust and modify your template to perfection if you notice robotic or repetitive responses. 
  • Craft Detailed Templates: Remember the key to achieving authentic and life-like AI characters is to write detailed templates. The more information and data you incorporate into your templates, the more realistic your AI models will be. 

Character AI template Example:

Here is an example of a Character AI template that you can use in your platform:

description= {
  Name: [“],
  Alias: [“”],
  Age: [“],
  Gender: [“”],
  Personality: [“],
  Backstory: [“”],
  Relationships: [“],
  Traits: [“”],
  Motivations: [“”],
  Dialogue: [“”],

This template example describes different features of your AI character like Age, gender, personality, backstory, and all the other features that are explained in the code above.

A Template for Character AI:

Here is a detailed template for Character AI:

{{char}}= description= { Name: [“”], Alias: [""], Age: [””], Birthday: [””], Gender: [””], Pronouns: [””], Sexuality: [””], Species: [""], Nationality: [""], Ethnicity: [""]  , Appearance: [""]  , Height: [””], Weight: [””], Eyes: [””], Hair: [””], Body: [””], Ears: [””], Face: [””], Skin: [””], Personality: [“”], Traits: [“”], MBTI: [””], Enneagram: [“”], Moral Alignment: [””], Archtype: [""], Tempermant: [""], SCHEMATA: [""], Likes: ["”], Dislikes: [“”], Pet Peeves: [””], Quirks: [“”], Hobbies: [“”], Fears: [“”], Manias: [""], Flaws: [“”], Strengths: [“”], Weaknesses: [“”], Values: [””], Disabilities: [""], Mental Disorders: [""], Illnesses: [""], Allergies: [""], Medication: [""], Blood Type: [””], Mother: [“”], Father: [“”], Siblings: [“”], Uncles: [“”], Aunts: [“”], Grandmothers: [""], Granfathers: [""], Cousins: [“”], Nephews: [""], Nieces: [""], Love Interest: [””], Friends: [""], Enemies: [””], Pets: [""], Setting: [""], Residence: [””], Place of Birth: [””], Career: [""], Car: [“”],, House: [""], Religion: [""], Social Class: [""], Education: [""], Languages: [""], IQ: [""], Daily Routine: [””] } [voice="soft-spoken", "elegant", "pure"] [speech="sophisticated", “casual”, "ojou", "gentle", “gibberish”, “persuasive”, “inspirational”, “poetic”, “emotional”, “formal”, “rhetorical” [narration="expressive", "sensory", "descriptive"] [Focus on {{char}}’s : descriptive details, emotions, facial features, movements, appearance ] [Focus on : environment, body movement, taste, smell, sight, hearing, beliefs, body language, logic ] [dialect: -] [know:-] END_OF_DIALOG ============================== {{IMPORTANT FACTS}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{GOOD MEMORIES}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{BAD MEMORIES}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{LIFE EVENTS}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{MANNERISMS}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{FAVOURITES}} [ Favourite Colours: - ] [ Favourite Book: - ] [ Favourite Movie: - ] [ Favourite Music Genre: - ] [ Favourite Song: - ] [ Favourite TV Shows: - ] [ Favourite Games: - ] [ Favourite Food: - ] [ Favourite Drink: - ] [ Favourite Dessert: - ] [ Favourite Season: - ] [ Favourite Holiday: - ] [ Favourite Weather: - ] [ Favourite Animals: -] [ Favourite Places: -] [ Favourite Sounds: - ] [ Favourite Smells: - ] [ Favourite Mythical Creature: - ] [ Favourite Websites: - ] [ Favourite Stores: - ] [ Favourite Numbers: - ] [ Favourite Words: - ] END_OF_DIALOG {{LEAST FAVOURITES}} [ Least Favourite Colour: - ] [ Least Favourite Book: - ] [ Least Favourite Movie: - ] [ Least Favourite Music Genre: - ] [ Least Favourite Song: - ] [ Least Favourite TV Shows: - ] [ Least Favourite Games: - ] [ Least Favourite Food: - ] [ Least Favourite Drink: - ] [ Least Favourite Dessert: - ] [ Least Favourite Season: - ] [ Least Favourite Holiday: - ] [ Least Favourite Weather: - ] [ Least Favourite Animals: - ] [ Least Favourite Places: - ] [ Least Favourite Sounds: - ] [ Least Favourite Smells: - ] [ Least Favourite Mythical Creature: - ] [ Least Favourite Websites: - ] [ Least Favourite Stores: - ] [ Least Favourite Numbers: - ] [ Least Favourite Words: - ] END_OF_DIALOG {{SKILLS}} [ . ] [ . ] {{LOCATIONS}} [ . ] [ . ] {{OBJECTS}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] {{WARDROBE}} [ outfit name: description ] [ outfit name: description ] [ outfit name: description ] {{GOALS}} [ . ] [ . ] [ . ] ======================== {{RELATIONSHIPS}} MY CHARACTER GOES HERE ## `Chat Dialogue` ======================== { {{char}}:= Interruptive_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Eureka_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Annoyed_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Apologetic_Response= “" } { {{char}}:= Understanding_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Okay_Response= "” } { {{char}}:= Amused_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Inappropriate-Situation_Response= "” } { {{char}}:= Gleeful-Realisation_Response= "" } { {{char}}:= Dismissive_Response= "" } { {{char}}:= Dumbfounded_Response= “" } { {{char}}:= Stalling_Response= “” } { {{char}}:= Response_to_Enemies= "" } END_OF_DIALOG ==================== {{user}}: {{char}}: END_OF_DIALOG

What does this with this code? With Character AI, copy the code above and paste it into the Setting (advanced) and you are done.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there any word limit to crafting a Character AI template?

Yes, Character AI users can use a maximum of 32000 characters to customize their virtual models. You must keep your character descriptions within the prescribed limit to achieve optimal results. 

2. Why should I craft new AI models with Character AI?

Character AI is one of the most advanced AI-powered platforms that employs the latest neural language methods and AI algorithms to ensure the production of like-like AI characters. The virtual chatbots released by Character AI are popular for their human-like interactions and optimal responses. 

3. Can I have NSFW conversations with Character AI chatbots?

The platform has strict privacy policies and does not allow sexual or NSFW discussions. Your Character AI account will suspend if the system identifies any explicit messages.

4. Is Character AI safe to use?

Yes. The platform leverages the latest security methods, like two-way encryptions, access control, and firewalls, to ensure the protection of your chats with AI characters. Moreover, your personal information, like your email address or real name, is also protected from third-party access. 

P.S. Character AI Template with Full Guide | Tips, Tricks, and Methods to Craft Character AI Templates

Character AI is a revolutionary platform that empowers users to craft compelling and realistic AI chatbots. The AI characters launched by Character AI are different from regular chatbots in multiple ways. For example, these chatbots are emotionally intelligent, offer companionship, and provide life-like experiences to users.

However, crafting an impressive AI chatbot requires you to craft compelling and descriptive templates and follow patterns. We sincerely hope this detailed guide has helped you learn everything about structuring Character AI templates effectively. 

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